Learn Spanish Langauage

The official language of Spain; a big enough reason to dig into this particular language. The history of the language is nothing less than interesting. Spanish is one of the key romance languages having their roots deep into Latin. Learning Spanish opens the door to the other four romance languages- Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. People around the globe are fascinated towards this language. This fascination extends beyond the distinct aesthetics of Spanish cuisine, it’s history, tradition, culture, arts, literature, places and customs. Learning Spanish is totally legitimate, if not for professional reasons then just for the sheer fun of it. Study Spanish to unleash your true potential and accelerate your career growth. 

Levels of spanish Taught with Us


The whole focus is to make the learner familiar with the language, understand and speak basic phrases in daily life situations.

Elementary ( A2 )

Comprehending and using simple phrases and structures with a better knowledge of Spanish grammar and it’s application . 

Intermediate ( B1 )

The whole focus is on to make the learner express his/her own thoughts in Spanish. The syllabus is designed to improve oral and written expression using some techniques particular to the language.

Advantage Of Learning Spanish.


There are many advantages to learning Spanish, both practical and personal. Here are a few of the top reasons to consider taking up Spanish:

  • Travel and cultural immersion: Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, with over 400 million native speakers [Wikipedia: Spanish language]. Knowing Spanish opens doors to travel and cultural experiences in Spain, Latin America, and the Caribbean. You’ll be able to communicate with locals, order food, navigate transportation, and gain a deeper understanding of their way of life.

  • Career opportunities: Spanish is a valuable asset in the job market. Companies around the world do business in Spanish, and being bilingual can give you a competitive edge. There are opportunities in translation, interpretation, international business, tourism, and education, to name a few.

  • Brainpower boost: Studies have shown that learning a new language can improve cognitive function, memory, and problem-solving skills. It can also help to delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline.

  • Cultural appreciation: Learning Spanish opens up a world of literature, music, film, and art. You’ll be able to enjoy these works in their original language and gain a richer appreciation for the culture.

  • Personal growth: Learning a new language is a challenging but rewarding experience. It can boost your self-confidence, discipline, and overall brainpower.

    • Connects you to a large community: Spanish is spoken in over 20 countries [Wikipedia: Spanish language], which means you’ll be able to connect with a vast global community. You can make new friends, network with professionals, and experience different cultures, all through Spanish.

    • Easier to learn than you think: Spanish pronunciation is relatively phonetic, meaning the words are generally spelled how they sound. This can make it easier to pick up compared to languages with more silent letters or complex grammar rules. Additionally, many English words have Latin roots, which are shared with Spanish, so you’ll likely recognize some vocabulary already.

    • Boosts travel safety: Even basic Spanish can be a lifesaver while traveling. You’ll be able to ask for directions, get help in case of emergencies, and avoid misunderstandings.

    • Business and education opportunities: Being bilingual in Spanish can open doors to study abroad programs in Spanish-speaking countries or business ventures in the booming Latin American market.

    • Improves brain function beyond language: Research suggests that learning a second language can enhance overall cognitive flexibility, improve multitasking abilities, and even strengthen decision-making skills.

    Learning Spanish is an investment in yourself, opening doors to new experiences, personal growth, and a wider worldview.


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